
XXXV Convención Internacional de Minería México 2023

Technical Works

Wednesday, October 25th
SALA C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 B10
9-9:30 Cynthia Guadalupe Dorantes Castro.
Geotechnical Evaluation and Procedure for collapse of Pilar Corona between Tajo Filos and stope 7106, San Andrés Underground Mine
Román Cruz Ortega.
Training as a basis for success for the start-up of the Minera Juanicipio beneficiation plant
José Luis Farfán Panamá.
Temoaya, a manifestation of syn-sedimentary manganese of distal hydrothermal origin, in the northern area of the state of Guerrero, Mexico.
Miguel Antonio Valadez Martinez.
Mine Closure Noche Buena Mining Unit
César Fano Vallejo.
Analysis of the relationship between organizational culture and business performance
José Luis Flores Rojero.
Critical tasks in stability control of mining works
Jose Rivas y Jason Van Der Watt.
Intelligent Collision Avoidance System
9:30-10 Aurelio Trejo López.
Technology providing productivity in mining operations
Galilea Rubio Hernández.
Comprehensive optimization of the copper flotation circuit at Minera Carrizal Mining
Luis Ernesto Barrientos Contreras.
Fenitización y anomalías de REE-Nb en el Complejo Magmático La Cueva, Provincia Oriental Alcalina Mexicana en Coahuila.
Maribel Manzo Garrido.
Phenitization and REE-Nb anomalies in the La Cueva Magmatic Complex, Eastern Alkaline Mexican Province in Coahuila.
Diego Raúl Sánchez.
Implementation of Water Management Plans for Efficient and Responsible Management in Business Units of Peñoles and Fresnillo Plc.
Castulo Molina Sotelo.
Delineation of the resurgent Temoris caldera, using high-resolution magnetometry data fusion and its relationship to regional mineralization
Belisario Tijero.
Mobile Tunnel Boring
10-10:30 Alfonso Briones Chávez.
Implementation of a centralized remote initiation system at Minera Tizapa
Isabel Lázaro.
The role of mixed potential in the selective separation of enargite and chalcopyrite with IPETC
Francisco Miguel Oliver Ocaño.
Inversión conjunta de datos geofísicos en la zona geotérmica de cerro prieto.
Roel Cruz Gaona.
Joint investment of geophysical data in the cerro prieto geothermal zone.
Noé Guerra Acosta.
Implementation of multiple account analysis (MAA) matrix for tailings deposit site selection
Genaro De la Rosa Rodríguez.
Evaluation of the geological storage potential of CO2 in coal seams of the Sabinas Subbasin
Don Simola.
Metso Lithium Hydroxide process – Direct and efficient lithium extraction process for a-spodumene processing using novel techniques in a sustainable
10:30-11 COFEE BREAK
11:00 - 11:30 Faysal Rodríguez.
The experience of doing responsible mining in the state of Guerrero
"Electrolytic Copper Refinery", Copper Metallurgical - Metallurgical Plants and Foundries less than 500 workers
Ing. Héctor Hidalgo Correa, General Manager of the Electrolytic Copper Refinery
Jerjes R. Pántoja Irys.
Presence of high concentrations of lithium in thermal springs located in powerful sedimentary successions from the Jurassic-Paleogene in Northeastern Mexico
Flor de María Harp /
Environmentally responsible mining practices
“Camino Rojo”, Minera Camino Rojo, Open pit mining more than 500 workers
Ing. Rafael Sánchez Campos, General Manager of Camino Rojo
ANZMEX PANEL: Mexican mining towards the energy transition.

Sara Meymand –Ambassador of New Zealand in Mexico
Rachel Moseley- Australian Ambassador to Mexico
Cara Rosen –ORICA, Marketing Director for North America
Alicia Moreno -KMPG - Director of Strategy for Sustainability and Social and Environmental Governance

Moderator: Jennifer Burge, CEO of WorldWise Consulting and member of the Board of Directors of ANZMEX
Hostess: Kate Brown de Vejar, Vice President of ANZMEX& Partner and Global Director of International Arbitration at the firm DLA Piper

Rob Gordon
Deep Magnetotelluric resistivity imaging for exploration and mine planning
11:30-12:00 “Tamós Plant”, Autlán Mining Company Metallurgical Plants and Foundries more than 500 workers
Ing. Paz García Sánchez, General Manager of the Tamós Plant
Enrique Gustavo Espinosa Aramburu.
The magmatic complexes La Cueva and La Vasca and their relationship with the Alkaline Province of Northeastern Mexico, State of Coahuila.
Salvador Gómez Hernández.
Preconcentration of minerals with the Sorting Process: Case studies at Fresnillo plc
"Mulatos", National Gold Mines Open pit mining more than 500 workers
Ing. Marcelo Alejandro Martínez Ochoa, General Manager of National Gold Mines
Dawn Garcia.
Professional Licensure and Certification of Geologists: Mexican Geologists Have a Pathway to Obtain Internationally Recognized Professional Certification
12:00-12:30 José Ángel García Maldonado.
Implementation of the tumbe method by sublevels in narrow veins with rock qualities from fair to poor: case study "Mina La Colorada"
J. Francisco García Suárez.
Effect of particle size on the release and recovery of mineral species from a polymetallic mineral
Francisco González Sánchez.
Geological model of the mineralizing system of the Zimapán District. Mineral resource potential inherent to this model
Jesús Antonio Cuevas Hernández.
Biogeochemical analysis of potentially toxic elements in bioindicator species in the Peña Blanca mining assignment, state of Chihuhua
Luis Alejandro Cuevas González.
Quality assurance and control techniques (QA/QC) in mineral sample testing laboratories
Nancy Alejandra Frias Velázquez.
Study of the roasting process of a sulfide mineral to reduce cyanide consumption in the recovery of Au and Ag, and its simulation by CFD
Christian Kastner.
Process engineering - Cost savings and improved operational performance in mining through the application of process engineering, know-how and materials innovation
12:30-13:00 Luis Carlos Vázquez Treviño.
Big Data Analytics Safety
Enrique Elorza Rodríguez.
Collective Pyrite-Arsenopyrite-Gold Flotation of the Waste from Noche Buena, Zac., and its Separation into Pyrite-Gold and Arsenopyrite Concentrates
Jesús Cisneros Corrujedo.
Influence of psychosocial factors and local culture on mining industrial safety in Mexico
Jesús Israel Téllez Hernández.
Project to reduce greenhouse gases in Minas Los Filos
Dr. Juan Josué Enciso Cárdenas.
Estimation of the potential of CMB, an opportunity for the diversification of the coal industry in Mexico.
Yadira Zulema Antonio Durán.
Petrological, geochemical and geospatial description of the dike swarms of the Linares-Burgos Corridor, NE Mexico.
Daniel Pérez.
Design of the first high-capacity flyingbelt
Thursday October 26th
SALA C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 B10
9-9:30 Fidel Mario Zapico Ortíz.
Best safety practices at Minera Capela
Ricardo Aguilar.
Optimization of the grinding process at Minera Capela, Grupo Peñoles
Ana Karen Rodríguez Sánchez.
Analysis of the 3D modeling of the El Sahuaro geological-mining map of the Mexican Geological Service and its geographical relationship with the Caborca orogenic gold belt.
Oscar Sandoval Jiménez.
Sustainable management of corn cultivation in tepetateras soil 2022
Remi Piet.
Implementation of TSM (Towards a sustainable mining) ESG protocols in Mexico. Best practices from TSM implementation in mining operations in Colombia, Argentina, Brazil, Australia, Botswana and Canada.
D. Noriega.
Improvement in Crusher Productivity Through Impact on Blasting Fragmentation
Cristian Martínez Ruíz.
Planning management and subsequent supervision of the Pre-commissioning and Commissioning of the new facilities of a mining complex.
9:30-10 Christian Rico Uribe.
Block Caving Mining Subsidence Monitoring
Salvador Camargo Villafuerte.
Optimization of the collector scheme in the pyrite flotation circuit at the Saucito mining unit of the Fresnillo PLC group
Hermes Rochin García.
Geochemical and Geochronological Study of the Magmatic Pulses of the Las Campanas locality, Hidalgo
Carlos Ivan Vera Carrasco.
Gold Amalgamation and Alternative Metallurgy in the Pueblo Nuevo area, Durango
Paul Shelley.
Exploring the challenges of Mark Ball Wear Test in griding media product development: a case study
Rafael Avalos Alejandre.
Mineralogical variability in select sectors of the Fresnillo mining district, Zacatecas
Rafael Echavarría Soto.
Using Machine Learning and Biomathematical Modeling to Reduce Fatigue-Related Accidents and Increase Mine Productivity
10-10:30 Carlos Castañeda.
Optimization of mining in transverse stopes with the use of wireless detonators
Martha Araceli Elizondo Álvarez.
Direct flotation of a complex low-grade lead mineral using environmentally friendly chemical reagents
Natalia Díaz Pinete.
3D modeling of the La Soledad mining assignment of the Mexican Geological Service
Ángel Leonardo Alvirde Meléndez.
Proposal for revaluation and possible recovery of copper in historical mining waste and sediments of the El Barrilito stream, Cananea, Sonora
Enrique Alberca.
Comparative study between a rubber liner and Metso MegalinerTM in an 18’x28’ ball mill at Kennecott Rio Tinto
Ma. Mercedes Salazar Hernández.
Study of Ag(I) Adsorption in aqueous systems with amino and thiol silicas modified with magnetite
Juan Diego Martínez Márquez.
Prospecting for rare earths using aerial gamma ray spectrometry
10:30-11 COFEE BREAK
11:00 - 11:30 “Centauro Profundo”, Penmont Mining Underground mining up to 500 workers
Ing. Luis Alonso Luna Bocanegra, Project manager, Centauro Profundo Mine.
Martín de la Cueva.
Bulk Ore Sorting at the Mining Face – Profit generated in a Cu porphyry
Fernando Alanís -
Mining Baluarte, "The New Mining".
Marcos López Ernst & Young,
How to prepare today for the mine of tomorrow?
Jody Kuzenko.
Torex Gold: mining with Purpose to Build a Long Future in Guerrero and Beyond
Krystel Lima from LLYC DAS Mining Structure 2023 Alan J. Nevárez Rodríguez.
Impact on excavation rate through Fragmentation monitoring
11:30-12:00 "Molango", Compañía Minera Autlán, Underground mining plus 500 workers
Ing. César Albino Arroyo Sánchez, Exploration and Geology Manager, Molango Unit
Anakaren López Martínez.
Microencapsulation of Acidithiobacillus bacteria for use in bioleaching processes in the recovery of complex minerals
Bernaldino Bautista Tovar.
Analysis, simulation and optimization of blasting with PVS restriction ≤ 2.0 mm/s
12:00-12:30 Vanesa Vázquez Martinez.
Application of QAQC in the sampling process of production holes in an open pit mine
José Refugio Parga Torres.
Production of high quality dors from calcines leached in basic media of the Merril-Crowe Process
Macario Rocha Rocha.
World-class polymetallic deposit and magmatic hydrothermal origin: a contribution from the geotectonic context, economic geology and geometallurgy.
Alberto Peralta Cruz.
Mining model and aptitude: case study State of Zacatecas
César Tinajero.
"Lessons learned from the implementation of the first critical fatality risk management control program in Mexico"
Valentín Ibarra Galván.
Optimization of cyanide consumption through the use of cyanide recovery process solution (SART) in Grupo COANZAMEX
Ricardo Medina Garcia.
Design and Optimization of Long Hole Blasting through the Application of Specialized Software Paradigm (Austin Powder)
12:30-13:00 Diego Martínez Carrillo.
Evaluation of the recovery factor and safety factor of a coal drag mine
Claudia Angélica Márquez Mata.
Study of ornamental minerals as ionizing radiation attenuators
Georgette Paniagua Lizarraga.
Geological and block model for the polymetallic deposit as a basis for the estimation of mineral and economic resources.
César de Jesús Gallegos Carmona.
Alignment to International Standards and Practices in a Tailings Deposit of the Sabinas – Peñoles Mining Unit
J. Grétel Loza León.
Rescue and relocation of individuals of wild flora and fauna to form a tailings deposit for Industrial Minera México, San Martín Unit, Sombrerete, Zacatecas
Daniel Zuñiga Franco.
Influence of oxygen on the control of Oxide Reduction Power (ORP) in sulfide minerals in flotation.



